Adelaide Lockdown: Friday 23 July 2021

We’re in lockdown and some things are changing!

Seriously though, if you are looking for ways to be a part of St Andrew’s essential service ministry now and into the future, we have some thoughts.


Donations of non-perishables are always welcome and needed. As you select items, think:

  • Will I be able to open this if I don’t have a can opener?
  • Can I prepare this food if all I have is a kettle, camp stove or BBQ?
  • Will this food support my health and well-being?

Other ways to help

Or you may want to consider these possibilities:

  1. If you value our hard-working staff and our hospitable spaces, you may wish to increase or begin a regular offering to St Andrew’s. Offerings support the infrastructure that make ministry possible. They are a way of saying “Thank you” to God and “Yes!” to Christ’s work in the world.
  2. We would like to give away more fresh, healthy vegies and fruits than SecondBite is able to provide. We would value Caruso’s gift vouchers (a great local business who support us in many ways) or Coles vouchers so we can top up our fresh food as needed. Any amount is great!
  3. An important service we provide is chemist vouchers. This year we’ve added flu jabs to our offerings and one community member who is at no-fixed-address had his first flue jab ever.

How to donate

You can donate direct to our bank account at BSB: 105 015 Account: 089117940.

Or, if you would like a tax receipt for tax deductible donations over $2, please donate at Be sure and designate UnitingCare, Glenelg in the details section to route your donation to St Andrew’s Glenelg, add also other details like “chemist vouchers” if you would like to further target your donation. Click here for detailed instructions.

In Peace,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church

92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771