UnitingCare Glenelg

St Andrew’s by the Sea Uniting Church provides a variety of UnitingCare programs that enable 92 Jetty Road to be a place of hospitality, acceptance and practical care.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, we hope you experience a welcome with us at 92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA.

Community Care

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

11 am – 1:45 pm

Essentials offered: Fresh food, non-perishable pantry items, toiletries, chemist vouchers for PBS scripts, clothing and other items as available.

Mary’s Kitchen Community Meal

Tuesday evenings

6:00 pm

Soup, bread roll, fruit salad, hot main meal, coffee/tea.

Op Shop

Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays

11 am – 1:45 pm

Clothing, accessories, books, toys, knick knacks and more.

Orange Sky Laundry



5.30 pm – 7.30 pm (last wash 6.30 pm)

10.30 am – 12.30 pm (last wash & dry 11.30 am)

Free laundry service provided by Orange Sky Laundry Adelaide.


Join a vibrant community. There are opportunities for everyone.


UCG Newsletters with items of interest from community activities are available here.


We receive a small amount of government support and rely entirely on donations to support our UnitingCare community programs.

Monetary donations can be made in cash, cheque, or direct deposits to St Andrew’s Uniting Church Glenelg bank account BSB 105 015 Account 089117940. “Loose change” cash donations may be dropped into the Offering Box.

 If you would like a tax receipt for tax deductible donations over $2, please donate at bit.ly/UnitingCareERC. Be sure and designate UnitingCare, Glenelg in the details section. Click here for detailed instructions.

Gifts in kind can be non-perishable food items, home-cooked soup, toiletries, new clothing, or ask the co-ordinator Lyn (8295 1771) what is needed. Please bring in during opening hours Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 11 am to 1:45 pm or by arrangement with Lyn.