Dear Friends,
Tomorrow is the fourth Sunday in the Season of Advent. With the Christmas season beginning on Friday, we will have almost the whole week during which to continue the season of waiting and anticipation. We will celebrate communion as part of our 10:00 am worship tomorrow so we can be full of Christ as we take these last steps in the Advent journey.
A few significant notices for us:
Candles and non-perishables –– A reminder of the invitation to bring a candle to place in the worship space and non-perishables as part of your offering to God tomorrow.
Christmas Bowl offering –– Envelopes for the Christmas Bowl are available on the centre table in the hall between the tables where we sign in each week. The retiring offering on Christmas Day will go to Christmas Bowl. If you want to learn more about this yearly appeal, you can check out their website:
Christmas Eve –– We will keep vigil with Mary on Jetty Road at the front of the church beginning at 8:30 pm.
Christmas Day –– Please indicate your intention to come by emailing me. Worship begins at 10:00 am so please arrive early to sign in.
Greeters needed –– Because of the extra COVID Safe measurers, we are in need of six people willing to help with sign in and seating on Christmas Day. You will need to arrive by 9:30 am. Please let me know if you are able to serve in this way.
I look forward to seeing many of you tomorrow.
In peace,