Advent Worship Resources Week 3

Dear Friends,

The third week in the Season of Advent began yesterday Sunday 13 December. The worship resource and reflection are uploaded for those who wish to revisit the material and others who were not able to observe this season at yesterday’s 8:30 am for Quiet Communion in the church and/or 10:00 am for worship in the circular communal setting in the hall.

Vigil with Mary

A reminder that on Christmas Eve (Thurday 24 December) we will keep vigil with Mary in the midst of the bustle of Jetty Road beginning at 8:30 pm. Come as you are. Stay as long as you like. We will sing gentle carols and hold silence on this final day of Advent waiting.

Christmas Day Service

Christmas Day (Friday 25 December) will begin at 10:00 am. Given our need to sign in, please arrive early to avoid congestion. Also, due to physical distancing, numbers are limited in the church. This may not be an issue for us, but please register your intent to worship on Christmas Day so we can be sure. You can:

  • email with your intention to attend,
  • sign up on Sunday morning, or
  • ring the church office on 08 8295 1771 (Tues to Fri from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm) during the week.

Thank you.

