Tag Archives: spirituality
What’s Emerging? Week 5: 5 July 2021
As the Spirituality Group for Women gathers to explore the life and wisdom of Julian of Norwich this afternoon, I thought this might be fitting for today – a reminder to seek the peace and love that is always at work:
In Peace,
Rev. Christine Gilbert Minister of the Word St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church 92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045 P: (08) 8295 1771 E: office@standrewsuc.org.au
Worship Guide for 20 June 2021
Dear All,
What a lovely preparation for winter solstice we had this morning. I was heartened by your sharing of word and spirit as we gathered around the light in the warmth of community. The prayer guide and reflection are attached for those who wish to revisit or use them at home.
Below is an invitation for all women who would like to join together on Monday 5 July from 2:00 pm as we explore the wisdom of Julian of Norwich. In case some are shy and wonder what a group like this might be like, I assure you it is gentle and supportive. There are no “right” or “churchy” answers here! We will learn about Julian, engage her writings with art, music and meditative readings, and share as we wish. Last time we decorated candles. The group is a diverse group and all are welcome.
In Peace,
Rev. Christine Gilbert Minister of the Word St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church 92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045 P: (08) 8295 1771 E: office@standrewsuc.org.au