Letter to the Ephesians: 4 August 2021

From Sunday’s reflection on Ephesians 1:1-14:

Paul says that in Jesus, we have come to know the mystery of God’s will, “the plan” as he calls it, “for the fullness of time,” which is “to gather up all things in Christ, things in heaven and on earth.” In the Greek, the word which is translated as “gather” holds within it the image of a head. God’s will is to bring everything together into a harmonious body with Christ as the head. 

Here are some photos from last night’s community meal – a glimpse into what this grand vision looks like on the ground.

For those who missed it, the Worship Guide and Reflection on Ephesians 1.1-14 from Sunday 2 August are available for download or viewing on screen.



Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church

92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771
E: office@standrewsuc.org.au