What’s Emerging? Week 2: Monday 14 June 2021

Dear Friends,

We begin our second week of reflection on the COVID experience. Here are the links to download the worship guide and reflection from Sunday’s gathered worship.

During our sharing time in worship, we were made aware once again that many in our community are missing loved ones overseas at this time. Because of COVID, some have missed significant events, wedding celebrations, and funerals. Some may feel “homesick” in an acute way knowing they cannot travel to the land of their birth. This prayer is for them and all who feel separated from loved ones for whatever reason.

In Peace,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St Andrew's by the Sea Uniting Church

92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771
E: office@standrewsuc.org.au