Home Worship 19 April 2020

Dear Friends,

As the novelty of our self-isolation settles in and, having received news on Thursday that this way of being will continue for at least another month, perhaps we are beginning to experience new thoughts, feelings and reactions. The energy that may have gone into setting things in place and figuring out how to be has passed. Even the sense of crisis has diminished somewhat. 

As with week four of any new habit—such as an exercise routine or change in diet—it can be tempting to loosen our discipline or shy away from too much self-knowledge. Concentrated time with ourselves and family members can be revealing! But as any trainer or doctor would assure us, sticking with the program will bear results and transform our efforts into gifts for life.

For this reason, I hope to encourage us to continue in our worshipful practices—whatever they might be. It may be getting more difficult now to set aside time for Sabbath. So, let us covenant again to a time together-apart in which we rest in God, recall the gifts of our lives, experience gratitude and joy, and hold all that we are in the light of Love.

Finally, here is an introduction to this week’s resources for those who wish to view it: Greetings from Rev. Christine Gilbert 19Apr20. The Home Worship Guide for this Sunday is available here and the Reflection in Solitude is available here.

I’m exploring how best to share a video greeting like this and I can tell I haven’t chosen the best tools. Please forgive me! Hopefully I’ll improve. I found it works best if you allow a few seconds for the video to upload before playing.

May the peace of Christ be with you,


Rev. Christine Gilbert
Minister of the Word
St. Andrews by the Sea Uniting Church
92 Jetty Road, Glenelg SA 5045
P: (08) 8295 1771
M: 0400 151 691
E: minister.standrews@gmail.com