Tag Archives: Carol Chambers

A “Hello” from Carol

Photo of the new minister Carol Chambers.

Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce myself.  I am Carol Chambers.  I have been a Minister in the UCA for the past 25+ years, working right round South Australia…south; north; east; west and in the middle.

I am looking forward to working at St Andrew’s at Glenelg half time as I love the Church, worship, and preaching and all of God’s People.

You may be wondering why the church is enclosed in fencing! A piece of masonry has fallen off the front, and the fence is there for safety reasons. Synod is dealing with it and we hope to have it fixed as soon as possible.

We are still open every Sunday at 10:00 am, including this coming Sunday 5 February when Graham Sturdy will be leading us.  All are welcome. My very first service of worship with you will be on Sunday 12 February in the Hall. I would love to meet you…you are welcome to come in, either through the green gate off Jetty Road or through the back entrance via the car park.

Our hope is to move back into the Church for worship as soon as we can (thereby enabling more space and less work setting up) for our Community Outreach Programme. We would appreciate your comments and ideas.

I like to have an Open Door/Open Ear/Open Heart policy, so if any of you have any questions, please do not hesitate to make contact.

I look forward to ministry amongst you and my heart is excited to watch and see what our God has in store for us all.

I send you many blessings, grace, and peace.

Rev. Carol Chambers