What is worship for?

Dear Friends,

The pandemic has rearranged many aspects of life for us including how we are church. Anyone who has been part of St. Andrew’s over these months will easily see that life is not as it once was.

Now that the initial flurry of adaption seems to have settled down, we are given time to reflect and think deeply about our experience. One aspect of our life as a church is gathered worship. Being forced to worship in solitude and now in a COVID safe way has raised questions that are worth pondering together.

Attached is a flyer inviting you to a beginning conversation about worship. Sean Gilbert in his role as a Lecturer in Ministry Practice at the Uniting College has offered to provide his thoughts on the theology of worship. We are blessed to have Sean with us as he teaches worship and liturgy at the College. Combined with his many years as a Minister in Placement, he is in a good place to help us reflect on our experience in a meaningful way.

As you’ll see on the flyer, three sessions will be offered at the end of this month. These will be duplicate sessions so you are invited to come along to the one that best suits your schedule. One offering will be via Zoom to make it even more convenient. Please RSVP and let me know which session works best for you. You can respond to this email or email/phone the church. I look forward to hearing from you.

In peace,
