Tag Archives: Community Meeting

Newsletter Issue 2 of 2022

Hello all,

Thirty-nine were present for the St. Andrew’s gathering last night––another great mixture of people from across the community.

(L-R) Rev. Chelsea Size, Rev. Christine Gilbert, Ben Williams

Guest speaker Chelsea’s offering focused on curiosity and self-awareness. She drew our attention to the cultural expectations we might carry and encouraged us to become curious about them and aware of how they are at play in us as individuals and in our communities. Using the image of composting, Chelsea gave examples from her life of times she became aware of stories that inhibit love and community and how she let go of them and allowed them to be composted into useful fertiliser for the future.

A more complete report of the input from the community will be available in the future. 

A reminder that the clocks will “fall back” on Sunday morning as daylight savings time ends this weekend. 

Attached is a soft copy of the newsletter. Printed copies are available at St. Andrew’s.



The latest advice from SA Health is available here.

Community Gathering

If you volunteer once-a-week or once-a-month, collect food on Community Support days, worship on Sundays, join community meals on Tuesdays, or hunt for Op Shop treasures, you are a part of St. Andrew’s and are invited to gather on Wednesday 17 November beginning at 7:00 pm

Meet others from the St. Andrew’s community, share your experiences, celebrate the good things that are happening at a Community Meeting.

Please RSVP through the church office on 8295–1771 or office@standrews.uc.org by 2316 November for set up purposes.