Dear Friends,
I hope you and yours have been able to stay well as the COVID numbers continue to rise in South Australia. As we heard recently, we will be riding this wave of the pandemic for the next few weeks and we hope to ride it sensibly and safely.
As a result, we received a communication from the Synod regarding gathered worship and other activities at this time with some factors to help us determine whether or not to gather in person. The Leadership Council agreed not to gather for worship throughout January. We will resume gathered worship when numbers plateau.
Rev. Graham Sturdy prepared an order of service for this Sunday 9 January which is attached for you. He will prepare another at home resource for you for next week which I will email to you. Thank you, Graham, for preparing these for our community.
Please spread the word among your church friends, especially those who do not have email. A sign will be placed on the church door for any potential visitors.
The latest advice from SA Health is available here.